Helping 80% Of Women Heal Their Abdominal Separation And Pelvic Floor Leaking In As Little As 15 Mins A Day...

Keep Reading If Your


  • Accidental leaking of urine when you sneeze, cough, laugh, exercise, run or jump
  • Needing to get to the toilet in a hurry or not making it
  • Back, Hip or Pelvic Pain
  • Diastasis Recti – Coing, doming or separation of the abdomen
  • A pelvic organ prolaps – a bulge in the vagina, feeling of heaviess, discomfort, pulling or dropping
  • Pain during intercourse

If you answered YES then this is the ANSWER you’ve been looking for!

Repair your mama body from the inside out with Heal My Core & Pelvic Floor, our signature 30 day at home rehab program. We give you all the education & tools to start healing your pelvic floor & core from the inside out.

This signature system has been taught at our studio for over 6 years and sold across the world to mama's just like you!

With weekly progressive workouts that require no equipment and can be done anywhere, anytime. Along with an exercise glossary, video demonstrations and exclusive online members area, this program is everything you need to start your postpartum healing journey.

Want The ANSWERS That Will Allow You To Return To The Things You LOVE?

Our Specific Training Program

Our 30 day program is broken down into 5 weeks and has a new workout for you to complete each week. These workouts build on the exercises you did the week before and you will be amazed at how you feel each week. You will also have planning tools to make the most from the program

Full Exercise Glossary

We have included both written and visual instructions for each exercise in our program. It is very important to use the correct technique to avoid injuries and achieve the best results. We also have video demonstrations in our exclusive members area.

Your Success Tools

Your success is our desire and we want you to have the right tools for the job. Weekly worksheets and our 30 day planner will help your plan your success and provide accountability throughout the program. 

What Exercises You Must AVOID

Yes there are quite a few common exercises that you might currently be doing that are making your condition worse and reversing your efforts to improve them. We will tell you what to avoid to get the best results faster.

Important Information

We give you the biology behind pelvic floor dysfunction and diastasis recti. What are they, what are the signs and symptoms to look out for and also teach you about posture and how that plays apart in these conditions. Knowledge is power and we want to equipt you with all the tools

Detailed 'How To' Instructions

Making sure that you are correctly engaging the required muscle groups to effectively complete the program is vital and knowing how is the key. This will speed up your recovery with fewer complications

Want To Run Jump And Play With Your Kids, Without Peeing Your Pants?

EXCLUSIVE Members Area:

  • Heal My Core & Pelvic Floor Program inc downloadable eBook (Value $600)
  • ​Weekly Worksheets (Value $200)
  • ​Video Demonstrations with voice over instructions for every week (Value $200)
  • 30 Day Progress Tracker (Value $50)


  •  ​BONUS - 7 Laws of Weight Loss eBook (Value $370)
  • BONUS - C-Section Massage Repair Guide (Value $150)
  •  ​BONUS - Busy Mama Food Guide (Value $90)

VALUED $1,660 - TODAY ONLY $69

The Surefire Way To Feel YOU Again Faster Than You Ever Dreamed Possible

Who Is The Program For:

  • Anyone who has experienced involuntary leaking of urine
  • Anyone who has recently had a baby
  • ​Anyone who finds it difficult to empty your bladder or bowel 
  • ​Anyone feeling a sense of heaviness/ dragging in the vagina or rectum
  • Anyone who can feel a gap Coning, doming or separation of their abdomen
  • Anyone looking to heal their body and restore the function they had before children
  • Anyone experiencing painful sexual intercourse or lacking in sensation?



How Would You Feel If You Could Improve Your Postpartum Pelvic Floor And Core In Less Than 30 Days?


How will the program be delivered to me?

Heal My Core & Pelvic Floor is a digital product that can be downloaded in PDF form. When you purchase the program, you will be able to access the program through our website and log into your my courses. The program, videos and extras are all accessible through here

I’m pregnant can I do this program?

No this is a postpartum program designed for after having your baby. We recommend waiting till your 6 weeks post-delivery.

 If for any reason I don't like the program, how do I get a refund?

Simply send an email to [email protected] and we will arrange that for you.

My baby is older, can I still do this program? Will this still help if my baby is older? 

Yes! It is never to late to begin and this program is appropriate for any stage post pregnancy. 

 I haven’t had children but I do have incontinence issues, can this program help me? 

Absolutely, incontinence doesn’t just effect women who have ad babies. Our program is designed to work the muscle groups regardless of age or having had children. We would also recommend seeing a womens health provider.

 I am an “older” women can this program still help me? 

Absolutely yes! It is never to late to start. If you are over 55yrs you want to give yourself extra time, with age the repair of our cellular turnover take more time, so stick with it and you will see results 

  I constantly have to go to the bathroom, will this help? 

We would recommend having a conversation with your health care provider first. This is a common symptom of pelvic organ prolapse and overactive bladder (IC). 

 Is running ok? 

Running isn’t great if you have Diastasis Recti and/or Pelvic Floor Weakness due to the intra abdominal pressure that can cause delay/or prevent healing. Ideally you want to keep the pressure low giving the body the ability to strengthen and repair without being pulled back a part or pressure on the pelvic floor. 

How do I know my pelvic floor has healed enough for higher intensity workouts? 

Assessing your pelvic floor healing can be done be seeing a women’s health professional or you can use your symptoms as a guide to know if you can increase intensity. If you are leaking, feeling pain, or having persistent heaviness or bulging, keep the intensity lighter until you are further into your recovery. 


Hi Im Tara,

With over 15 years experience in the fitness industry, I am the creator of Fit Mama Co online and The W Co MUM Gym specialising in pre & post natal health & fitness. Our dedicated studio and online platforms are created by women for women, to safely support them throughout pregnancy and rebuild from the inside out after babies. Its time women are given the support they both need and DESERVE!

In the past decade I have seen first hand, so many women suffering from pelvic floor weakness/dysfunction and Diastasis Recti (ab separation) in the gym and daily in my gyms. 1 in 3 will have incontience after pregnancy. 50% of women by the age of 50. 

Women needed a solution! So I took what I teach in the studio and created the 'Heal My Core & Pelvic Floor' at home eBook. This easy to follow 30 day at home program has proven results & seen improvements for hundreds of women. This program is taught to our gym clients everyday and has been for over 4 years. It is a proven system that WORKS! 

I’m still shocked that our medical professionals don't check these areas, educate women about the importance of these areas, referring women to women's health physiotherapists or teaching women how/what to do to improve their bodies. Women DESERVE better care and support, unfortunately this is the case across most of the world. Our mission is to make a huge change in women's health, to empower women across the world to reclaim & heal their postpartum bodies and improve their quality of life. Generations of women have suffered long enough, now its time for better solutions.

I have seen the success and listened to the stories of how it has already impacted hundreds of women to reclaim their lives and I know it will do the same for you! Thank you for taking the step to change your life and I can’t wait to hear your success too…  

Tara xxx

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